Different Types Of Equipment Used In Food Processing
While watching a baseball match or having a chat with friends, it is nice to have a pack of potato chips. These edible products don’t directly come from a vegetable farm. The salted smooth potatoes are produced in a food processing facility using a variety of tools like an industrial bimetal thermometer in a controlled environment. If you want to explore more about this processing system, here is a list of a few tools and machines used in different sections of the plant for producing yummy food for everyone. Preparation Firstly, all the fresh ingredients are transported from a farm to the food manufacturer’s warehouse. The ingredients are put into a long procedure of preparation. This unit includes activities such as cleaning, grading, peeling and sorting. The main aim of this process is to remove unwanted particles and contaminants from the raw food materials. Workers in the unit use several tools, including sterilizers, floatation tanks, and washing systems for cleaning th...